Raw propolis powder from Brazil

ul. Świętokrzyska 23
PL-05074 Kazimierów
WNI: 14126003
Tel: +48 22 8491572


symbol: RPP/95/01



Download the specification

Product nameRaw Propolis Powder
General information
Name of raw materialPropolis
Origin of raw materialBrazil
CompositionRaw propolis 95 g/100g
– within this:
– Flavonoids: ≥ 1g
– Wax ≤40g
– Silica (SiO2 – anti caking agent) 5g/100g
CAS-No.85665-41-4 (Propolis), 7631-86-9 (Silica)
EU-No.288-130-6 (Propolis), 231-545-4 (Silica)
HS-Code0410 90000
Purpose of usefood and pharmacy
Quality dataAcceptance crieria
Organoleptic characteristicsconsistency: free-flowing powder (av. grain size: 250μm)
colour: brownish
odour: aromatic, typical
taste: aromatic, typical
Residue of ethanolnone
Total ash≤ 8.0%(m/m) incl. SiO2
Microbiological purityaccording to Ph.Eur. current version
AflatoxinesReg. (EC) 1881/2006
Pesticides/residuesPh.Eur. Current version / Reg. (EC) 396/20056
Heavy metalsReg. (EC) 1881/2006
Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsReg. (EC) 1933/2015 amending Reg. (EC) 1881/2006
Pyrrolizidine AlkaloidsReg. (EC) 2020/2040 amending Reg. (EC) 1881/2006
Storagedry, cool and dark
Shelf life3 years (according to manufacturer’s declaration)

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