ul. Świętokrzyska 23
PL-05074 Kazimierów
WNI: 14126003
Tel: +48 22 8491572

Pobierz specyfikację



symbol: DEP/40/02

Name of raw materialPropolis
SolventEthanol 96% (V/V) \ph.Eur.1317(4100102)
Drug – extract ratio (DER)2.5 : 1
IngredientsNative extract 40%
Guar gum 45%
Silicon dioxide 15%
Purpose of useintermediate for food products and foodstuffs
Quality dataAcceptance criteriaMethod
Characteristicsconsistency: free-flowing powder; colour: yellow-orange to brown, odour; aromatic, characteristic of propolisorganoleptic
SLoss on dryingnot more than 8.0%(m/m)Ph.Eur.2.8.17
Total ashmax. 10%(m/m)Ph.Eur.2.4.16
Content of flavonoids as Catechin equivalentnot less than 10 % (m/m)spectrophotometry / AlCl3 complexation
Content of phenolic compounds as Gallic acid equivalentnot less than 15 % (m/m)Spectrophotometry / Folin-Ciocalteu reagction
Residue of ethanolnot more than 1%(m/m)Ph.Eur.2.4.24
Microbiological purity
Total aerobic microbial count (TAMC)max. 50 000 jtk/g (The limit interpreted as “factor x 5 or 2” (in accordance with section 5.1.4 or 5.1.8 of the Pharmacopoeia))FP 2.6.12
Total combined yeasts/moulds count (TYMC)max. 500 jtk/g (The limit interpreted as “factor x 5 or 2” (in accordance with section 5.1.4 or 5.1.8 of the Pharmacopoeia))FP 2.6.12
Escherichia coliabsent in 1gFP 2.6.31
Salmonellaabsent in 25gFP 2.6.31
Staphylococcus aureusabsent in 1gFP 2.6.13
Packagedouble polyethylene bag and cardboard. Other packages are allowed at customer’s request
Labellingname and code of product, batch number, production date, shelf life, net mass, gross mass, tare
Storagestored in a well-closed container, protected from moisture and light, at the temperature not exceeding 25oC
Shelf life18 months

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